Residence by Investment Overview

An overview of residence by investment in Malaysia reveals two prominent avenues: the Malaysia My Second Home Program and the Premium Visa Program. These initiatives enable eligible foreign nationals to secure long-term multiple-entry visas for residing in Malaysia, provided they meet specific criteria.

  • Investment
    A minimum investment of MYR 1 million (approximately USD 230,000)

  • Processing time
    Processing typically takes three to six months

  • Key benefit
    A 10-year multiple-entry visa, allowing the applicant and their family to reside in Malaysia

Acquire Malaysian Residency

The Malaysian government offers two pathways for individuals and their families to reside in the country: the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Program and the Premium Visa Program (PVIP). Upon making an investment in the country, successful applicants receive a long-term multiple-entry visa.

Under the MM2H program, applicants are granted a 10-year, multiple-entry visa. To qualify, main applicants must be at least 35 years old, and both main applicants and their spouses are required to spend 90 days per year in Malaysia (with exemptions for children, parents, and parents-in-law).

Alternatively, the PVIP program offers a 20-year, multiple-entry visa issued in five-year intervals. Unlike MM2H, PVIP applicants of any age can work and run businesses in Malaysia, and residency in the country is not mandatory.

Benefits of Malaysian Residency by Investment
  • Streamlined and effective residency programs through investment
  • Long-term, renewable visas with multiple-entry privileges
  • Inclusion of spouse, parents, parents-in-law, and unmarried children under 21
  • Diverse cultural environment and modern lifestyle
  • Opportunity to buy residential properties ranging from MYR 300,000 to MYR 1 million, with prices varying across states
  • Taxation applies only to income earned in Malaysia, supported by a network of double tax agreements
Requirements for Participation in MM2H Program and PVIP

Applicants for Malaysian residency through either the MM2H Program or the PVIP must meet the following criteria upon application

Upon approval, successful applicants must
Financial Self-Sufficiency

Upon approval, successful applicants must
Investment Commitment

Additional Requirement for PVIP Applicants In addition to the general criteria, PVIP applicants are required to:

Application Fee
Procedures and Timeframe for Malaysian Residence by Investment

Upon approval from the Malaysia Immigration Department, each successful applicant receives a conditional approval letter. It's important to note that holders of the MM2H visa are not permitted to work in Malaysia, and neither the MM2H nor PVIP visas lead to permanent residence status.

Once the initial approval for MM2H or PVIP residence is granted by the Malaysian government, applicants can travel to Malaysia to fulfill the remaining requirements, such as opening a bank account and undergoing medical examinations. Tisoro Global provides assistance throughout this process.

Upon completion of these requirements, full approval is granted, and the applicant and their family members included in the application are issued their long-term multiple-entry visas to Malaysia. The entire process typically takes between three to six months.

Both the initial MM2H visa and the PVIP visa are valid for an initial period of five years and can be renewed thereafter.

Contact us today

If you have any inquiries or would appreciate a comprehensive breakdown of the specific costs for your family, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to assist you.

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