Residence by Investment Overview

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) provides various residence programs for talented individuals looking to reside in this vibrant Asian metropolis.

  • Investment Requirement:
    Minimum of HKD 30 million

  • Processing time frame
    Processing time ranges from one to nine months

  • Key benefit
    Eligible to apply for permanent residence after seven years

Hong Kong Residence By Investment

In September 2003, the Immigration Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China launched the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme. Before this scheme, individuals aiming for residency by investing in HKSAR had to depend on a subset of the employment visa, referred to as the Employment Visa Based upon Investment in Hong Kong (the business investment visa).

Hong Kong's Numerous Advantages
  • Economic and political stability, strategic location, and status as a major financial and trading center
  • Well-established legal system rooted in English common law, with transparent regulations
  • Premier gateway facilitating trade and investment between mainland China and the world
  • Boasts the title of the freest economy globally
  • No constraints on capital flows in and out of Hong Kong
  • Currency is both convertible and stable, pegged to the US dollar
Options for Residence Through Investment

Options for Residence in Hong Kong:

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) involves fulfilling a set of prerequisites before candidates are evaluated based on one of two points-based tests. Qualified individuals from the Talent List receive bonus points under the QMAS. These tests include:

The Top Talent Pass Scheme

TTPS allows applicants to apply for residence if they meet the following criteria:

The General Employment Policy

GEP allows applicants with specialized skills, knowledge, or experience not readily available in Hong Kong to work under certain conditions:

Investment as Entrepreneurs:

Eligible applicants seeking to enter or remain in the HKSAR as entrepreneurs under the GEP must meet the following criteria:

Hold a solid educational background, typically a first degree in a relevant field.

Establish or join a start-up business, contributing significantly to Hong Kong’s economy. Factors considered include business plan, turnover, financial resources, local job creation, and introduction of new technology or skills.

Overseas Chinese nationals holding People’s Republic of China passports meeting the stipulated criteria, along with normal immigration requirements, may apply for HKSAR Investment as Entrepreneurs visas. The applicant must either have permanent residence overseas or have resided overseas for at least one year immediately before the application submission.

The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES):

Applicants meeting the following requirements may apply for residency in Hong Kong under the CIES:

Procedures And Time Frame:

Applicants must submit all relevant application forms and supporting documents. Processing time typically ranges from one to nine months.

Approval of applications is at the discretion of the Immigration Department and is subject to government policy changes. The director of immigration reserves the right to refuse any application, even if eligibility criteria are met. Successful applicants are typically granted a limited extended stay of 24 months without additional conditions upon entry. Extension applications will be considered if applicants continue to meet eligibility criteria under entry for investment, QMAS, TTPS, GEP, or CIES.

Taxation In Hong Kong:

Taxation is based on a territorial source principle. Hong Kong companies are taxed only on profits sourced in Hong Kong, with a current tax rate of 17.5% on assessable profits. There are no withholding taxes on dividends or interest, and no taxes on capital gains. However, withholding tax on royalties applies at 5.25% and is imposed only on royalties paid to non-resident recipients not related to the payers.

Hong Kong companies are suitable for international trading or consulting activities without Hong Kong links, as they can be conducted tax-free. Similarly, real estate holding companies outside Hong Kong are tax-exempt. There is no capital gains tax, and dividends received or distributed by a Hong Kong company are also tax-free. The standard rate of profits tax applicable to Hong Kong-sourced income is competitive, at 16.5%.

Contact us today

Should you have any inquiries or require a detailed breakdown of the specific costs for your family, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you and would be delighted to provide further information.

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