Residence By Investment Overview

Mauritius offers a residence program that enables foreign nationals to obtain a residence permit through real estate investment. Successful applicants and their families gain full residence rights, including the ability to live, work, and retire in Mauritius.

  • Investment
    A minimum real estate investment of USD 375,000

  • Processing time
    Six to eight months

  • Key benefit
    The right to live, work, and retire in Mauritius

The Mauritius Residence By Investment Program

Mauritius is renowned for its pleasant tropical climate, multicultural society, and stunning living environments. Its dynamic economy, attractive tax regimes, and competitive business landscape have enhanced the country's global stature, drawing high-net-worth individuals and families worldwide. For those seeking residence in this island nation, the Mauritius Residence by Investment Program offers the most efficient pathway. By investing in the country’s real estate market, individuals can obtain Mauritian residency within six to eight months.

Benefits Of The Mauritius Residence By Investment Program
  • Possibility of leasing out the investment estate
  • All members of the applicant's immediate family, including spouses, common-law partners, parents, and any biological, step-, or adopted children (regardless of age), who are living with the applicant but are not yet married and cannot work in Mauritius without an appropriate work or occupation permit, are considered to be residents of Mauritius.
  • A tropical climate that is safe and secure all year.
  • Higher education institutions on a global scale.
  • Prosperity in all spheres of society and the economy.
  • Ranked among the world's most business-friendly nations.
  • Advanced, open, and strictly regulated global financial hub.
Requirements Of Residence By Investment In Mauritius
Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS):
Real Estate Scheme (RES):
Property Development Scheme (PDS):
Invest Hotel Scheme (IHS):
Smart City Scheme (SCS):
Ground +2 Apartment Scheme (G+2):

Alternatively, applicants can choose one of the following options for a 20-year permanent residence, geared towards:

General Investors (shareholders or directors of a company in Mauritius):
High-Technology Investors (shareholders or directors of a company in Mauritius):
Innovative Start-Up Investors:
Professional Investors (expatriates employed in Mauritius by contract):
Self-Employed Investors (in the services sector and registered under the Business Registration Act 2002):
Retired Non-Citizen Investors (50 years or over):
Procedures and Time Frame of the Mauritius
Residence by Investment Program

Applications for the Mauritius Residence by Investment Program must be submitted using the prescribed forms and must include the appropriate fees. Supporting documents, such as a recent certificate of good conduct and a medical certificate stating that the applicant is free of contagious diseases, are also required.

The real estate investment must be maintained for the duration of the residence permit and must be financed from external funds transferred to Mauritius through a bank recognized by the Bank of Mauritius.

After completing the initial due diligence checks, applicants are free to select their preferred property. Upon receiving approval in principle and fulfilling the investment requirements, they can proceed to submit their residence application to the Economic Development Board of the Republic of Mauritius. Upon successful completion of due diligence checks, the applicant and their accompanying family members receive a Mauritian residence permit.

Dependents eligible for inclusion in the application encompass spouses or partners, parents, and unmarried, financially dependent children, including stepchildren and adopted children, of any age who are not engaged in gainful employment.

Contact us today

If you have any inquiries or would appreciate a comprehensive breakdown of the specific costs for your family, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to assist you.

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