Citizenship by Investment Overview

The Jordan Citizenship by Investment Program enables foreign individuals to invest in the country and pursue alternative citizenship. Jordan, amidst a region of unrest, offers relative calm, making Jordanian citizenship an attractive option for applicants from neighboring nations grappling with socio-political turmoil.

  • Investment
    Minimum investment of USD 750,000

  • Processing time
    Three months

  • Key benefit
    Enjoy unrestricted travel to Jordan, Hong Kong, Türkiye, and other destinations.

The Jordan Citizenship by Investment Program

Situated in the Northern Arabian Peninsula, Jordan is predominantly landlocked, offering prospective investors strategic advantages with its proximity to Saudi Arabia in the south and Israel to the west. This geographical positioning presents an array of business and investment opportunities.

For those seeking citizenship in this culturally rich and tranquil Arab nation, the Jordan Citizenship by Investment Program presents the most streamlined pathway. The Jordanian government extends a warm invitation to affluent foreign individuals looking to make substantial, qualifying investments that contribute to the economy through foreign direct investment. Under this program, individuals and their immediate family members can obtain Jordanian citizenship within three months.

Benefits of Jordan citizenship by Investment Program
  • Enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to around 50 destinations.
  • Extend citizenship benefits to the entire family, including the main applicant’s spouse, children (including unmarried, widowed, or divorced daughters and sons under 18), and dependent parents.
  • Attain citizenship in a serene and stable Middle Eastern nation.
  • Acquire citizenship in a country actively engaged in the UN and holding membership in the World Trade Organization.
  • Requirements Of Jordanian Citizenship By Investment

Under the Jordan Citizenship by Investment Program, foreign individuals must invest in either a bank deposit, treasury bonds, securities, small and medium enterprises, or a local job-creating project.Applicants must meet one of the following investment criteria within the country:

Bank deposit and treasury bonds

Place a zero-interest deposit of USD 1 million at the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) for a minimum period of three years.

Purchase treasury bonds valued at USD 1 million at an interest rate determined by the CBJ, held for a minimum period of six years.

Company shares and/or units

Acquire shares and/or units in Jordanian companies valued at a minimum of USD 1.5 million, with ownership lasting at least three years. Temporary seizure of these shares by the Companies Control Department and/or the Jordan Securities Commission must be noted.

Small and medium enterprises (local project leading to employment creation)

Establish an investment project in a specific productive economic sector with a capital of at least USD 1 million in any location within the Amman governorate (USD 750,000 for projects registered outside Amman). The project must create a minimum of 20 employment opportunities (reduced to at least 10 opportunities for Jordanians for projects outside Amman governorate), as per statements from the Social Security Corporation.

Documentation confirming the investment must be provided as part of the application process.

Procedures and time frame of the Jordan
Citizenship By Investment Program

To apply for Jordanian citizenship, completed application forms along with the appropriate fees and supporting documents must be submitted. The eligibility criteria are enforced for a maximum of 500 cases annually, subject to security clearance and confirmation of the applicant's financial sufficiency. These requirements are reassessed every six months and are not retroactively applied.

After the initial due diligence checks, the applicant may select their preferred investment route: a bank deposit and treasury bonds, company shares and/or units, or an enterprise leading to job creation. Upon submission of the citizenship application to the relevant government committee and successful completion of further due diligence checks, approval may be granted if eligibility is verified. Upon fulfillment of the chosen investment, the applicant (and their included family members) receive a Jordanian passport.

Citizenship extends to the main investor, spouse, children (including unmarried, widowed, or divorced daughters and sons under 18), and dependent parents.

Contact us today

If you have any questions or if you'd like a detailed breakdown of the exact costs for your family, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to assist you.

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